Blood tests (transfem)

Last updated March 2022 • Questions or feedback? Get in contact at

Most important: Aim for testosterone levels <50ng/dL and estradiol levels >100pg/mL
Estradiol monotherapy

Critical every time: E2, T
Useful if you can get them once in a while: SHBG, albumin, PRL, FBC, DHT

Estradiol + cyproterone acetate

Critical every time: E2, T, PRL
Useful if you can get them once in a while: B12, LFT, SHBG, albumin, FBC, DHT

Estradiol + bicalutamide

Critical every time: E2, T, LFT (=AST, ALT)
Useful if you can get them once in a while: SHBG, albumin, PRL, FBC, DHT

Estradiol + GnRH agonist

Critical every time: E2, T
Useful if you can get them once in a while: Fasting glucose or A1C, SHBG, albumin, PRL, FBC, DHT

Estradiol + spironolactone

Critical every time: E2, T, U&E
Useful if you can get them once in a while: SHBG, albumin, PRL, FBC, DHT

Raloxifene + CPA/Bica
Critical every time: E2, T, PRL, AST, ALT
Useful if you can get them once in a while: BAP or ALP, vitamin D, T4, TSH, SHBG, albumin, FBC

Raloxifene + GnRH agonist
Critical every time: E2, T
Useful if you can get them once in a while: BAP or ALP, vitamin D, fasting glucose or A1C, SHBG, albumin, PRL, FBC, DHT, T4, TSH

AMAB pre-HRT baseline
From most to least useful: PSA if aged >40, FBC, T, E2, PRL, fasting glucose or A1C, T4, TSH

Hair loss despite HRT
From most to least useful: T, E2, FBC, T4, TSH, ferritin, vitamin B12, folate, HIV 1 & 2 antibodies, DHT, cortisol, fasting glucose or A1C

  • Stop taking all vitamin supplements at least 3 days before your test
  • Health conditions or meds may necessitate extra tests - ask us
  • I generally prefer bloods taken at trough, i.e. right before you'd normally take your next dose